
Health & PE

Tarneit P-9 College


The health curriculum in 7-9  has a stronger focus on supporting students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they require to make healthy, safe and active choices that will enhance their own and others’ health and wellbeing.

This approach affirms that all students and their communities have particular strengths and resources that can be nurtured to improve their own and others’ health, wellbeing, movement competence and participation in physical activity.

Physical Education

At Tarneit P-9 College students experiment and develop physical skills which can be used for the rest of their lives. These skills are applicable to a wide range of sports but also everyday life skills. We aim to develop their interest in sport to create a lifelong healthy lifestyle.

The curriculum begins through unpacking the fundamental motor skills within a range of sports. These skills are transferred across into the senior years where they continue to develop these skills in an autonomous way whilst implementing a range of strategies to enhance their adaptive thinking processes.