Tarneit P-9 College
At Tarneit P-9 College we encourage our students to be creative, passionate and expressive Artists. Our students explore and develop skills in wide variety of The Arts curriculum including Dance, Music, Drama, Visual Arts, Media Arts, Visual Communication and Design and Fashion. Our Arts Curriculum provides our students with opportunities to express themselves in different ways and work independently and collaboratively to explore, create, present and respond to The Arts.
During Prep to Year Two our students will explore the wide range of Art subjects on offer. They will spend one semester completing Performing Arts, where they develop a foundation of skills and knowledge in the areas of Dance, Music and Drama. For the second semester students will participate in Visual Arts, where they experience a range of art mediums including drawing, painting, constructing and more.
Throughout their time in Year 3 to Year 8 our students continue develop their Arts skills and knowledge, completing one Semester of both Visual Arts and Performing Arts with alternating focuses. As part of their Performing Arts studies students will complete Dance and Drama during Years 3, 5 and 7 and Music in years 4, 6 and 8; allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of these subject arts. From year 3, as well as Visual Arts, students are exposed to Media Arts where they explore the use of technology to create Art. In Year 8 students are also introduced to Visual Communication and Design where they explore Art as a Visual language.
Our engaging Year 9 Art Electives currently on offer include Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts and Fashion, allowing students to choose a particular talent or area of interest to continue to develop further.
Outside the classroom our students are encouraged to participate in a wide range of creative Extra-Curricular Activities including our Bi-Annual College Musical, Instrumental Program, The Voice Program, Victorian State School Spectacular, choirs, Art Club, bands, dance groups and more!